P.E and Sport and St Mary's C of E Primary School


Physical Education INTENT

At St Mary’s, our intention is to develop a lifelong love of physical activity, sport and PE in all young people, incorporating our school values as life values in sport.

Throughout a child’s time at St Mary’s, we strive to equip the children with necessary skills, knowledge and range of physical experiences to motivate them to lead lifelong active, healthy lifestyles, which makes a difference to their overall well-being.

We strongly believe that all children should have access to a thoroughly planned, progressive physical education programme, which places a real emphasis on developing a whole child through wide range of high-quality Physical, Social, Cognitive and Emotional Learning.

These values are developed through a carefully mapped spiral curriculum, which will respond to the needs of children and group. The themes and values taught in PE also reflect on our school values and attitudes to learning, promoting courage, perseverance (resilience), trust, respect, resourcefulness and reflection.


 Our Curriculum

Our physical education curriculum is carefully planned to include a range of indoor and outdoor based lessons throughout the year and provides a varied and progressive learning programme. All children will receive at least two hours of engaging, high quality and enjoyable physical education lessons per week, as well as taking part in at least half an hour of physical activities per week. Appropriate provision is in place to support a range of learning needs and abilities and ensure positive outcomes for all children.


PE National Curriculum Aims

• develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

• are physically active for sustained periods of time

• engage in competitive sports and activities

• lead healthy, active lives


Our Sports Values

St Mary's is a proud member of the 'School Games' network, holding the Gold standard of the 'School Games Mark'. We have adopted the 'Spirit of the Games' to work alongside our school Christian values. 

Experience has shown that the values our pupils develop in sport carry across into their academic work, and vice versa. 

Our P.E programme instils our values, along with the qualities of hard work, commitment, self-discipline and resilience. The aim is for these personal qualities to be applied in all aspects of school life, including in pupils’ academic studies, whilst having positive effects on behaviour and attendance.


Competition and Leadership

We aim to give all children (regardless of their sporting abilities) the opportunity to experience competitive sport by planning and participating in regular school-based events such as sports days, inter-school leagues and other local or regional events.

In recent years, our school has been immensely proud to take part in both the county spring and summer games, with many teams winning medals and trophies.  

As part P.E leadership programme, children in year 5 and 6 are encouraged to organise, run and take part in intra-school competitions- with our sports leaders meeting termly. Our leaders also, run lunchtime clubs and activities, to promote the importance of a healthy lifestyle through sport.