Reward Policy
As part of our acceptable user policy, children are rewarded for their effective and safe use of the Internet. As Internet usage is monitored and filters are continuously updated, we can reward children for their good use of the Internet.
In our KS2 classes, at certain times of the year, children can bring in their own electronic devices to use in computing lessons, or as reward. This provides the teaching staff with an up-to-date knowledge of what the children are accessing online and allows time for the children to share any concerns or questions they have about the games or websites that they are visiting.
An effective e-safety curriculum must be flexible to accommodate the needs of all children. Therefore, every term teaching staff complete an e-safety review form with their classes, to understand the current e-safety issues or concerns.
Following these review forms, the e-safety committee meet and discuss current e-safety concerns and how they can be addressed by adapting future e-safety lessons.
Sanction Policy
All children are aware of the sanctions policy as part of the acceptable user policy. A copy of the e-safety rules and sanctions are displayed in the classrooms and children sign an acceptable user policy yearly.
Parent/Carers are also made aware of the sanctions policy, when they sign the Parent/Carer acceptable user policy, yearly.